Failure Is Part of Success. Whenever you have accomplished a defined task or purpose, you have reached a success stage, in this part of the world, success is related to social status . When you have fame and wealth, you are automatically tagged as being successful. Failure on the other hand resides wherever success is lacking, anyone that is unsuccessful in whatever form, be it their inability to accomplish a task, a collapse of plan or a non-achiever in general. Here is the twist and the correlation between these two factors, they are actually related, you can’t have one without the other, in order to meet the favoured cousin – you must go through the unfortunate one. It’s just how life is designed; there is no shortcut about this. Failure is just a delayed process until the arrival of success. However, it’s just a process and under no circumstance should we as humans assume that failing a task is a blocker to our desire. On the contrary, that’s there to challenge h...
Your spiritual leader mastered a book. I lived through my words and still living it.