Your Language - Your Culture And Your Tradition. To confuse a man, take away his identity. A man’s identity is his language, his culture, and tradition. In this day and age, many people are getting carried away embracing a new found culture – mostly the Western culture. The influence of the western culture on the continent of Africa cannot be overemphasized. The western culture in no doubt has its advantages but not without coming with the baggage of unfit and series of negative influence. Culture is important – most people are of the thought that having a culture or having a tie to one’s heritage is so archaic and not modern but in all honesty, no matter how much you try to distance yourself from your culture – you are still who you are and the only place you can be comfortable is when you are who you are and not what the society expects of you. A man from Yiwu in China moved to Los Angeles and for him to fit into the culture of L.A, he is no longer bearing Mr...
Your spiritual leader mastered a book. I lived through my words and still living it.